Beauie’s Story

My name is Beauie and I’m a very handsome Corgi x Jack Russell. This is my story.

Around five years ago at the age of 10, my humans were moving and were not able to take me with them.
At the time my future was very uncertain, I had been unwell for a while and I had nowhere to live. Things were not looking good.
Lucky for me this is when I meet Jeane from BFAR, who came into my life, rescued me, and found me a loving foster home.
As things turned out it was lucky Jeane came along when she did. I began to get much sicker and it was finally discovered that I had advanced Cushings disease. My life hung in the balance and it was touch and go for a while, but with the generosity and love BFAR showed in not giving up on a little old dog I managed to pull through.

A year later, looking a little worse for wear (my legs bent from the long term Cushings & patches of missing fur), I was slowly on the road to recovery but my kind foster carers were no longer able to care for me.

Jeane put my picture online (I certainly wasn’t looking my best) to see if anyone had a forever home for me, and that is where I found my mum. She’d been waiting for me all my life. From the moment I stepped into our home, it was love at first sight and we soon knew I’d found my fur-ever home. The marvellous medication I was on saved my life (I will always be on it) and everyone has been amazed at how well it has worked.
Mum takes me regularly to see my vet, Dr David, for checkups. The first time we went he told mum that my life expectancy was short due to my advanced condition…. she cried all the way home but resolved to make my life the best it could be. That was almost four years ago, I’m looking spectacular and feeling fabulous at almost 15 years old with no plans of going anywhere, vet Dr David said just last week that I was an amazing success story and I think he’s right.
Although I am completely deaf I’m very happy, I love my life, and I love my family. When I arrived at mum’s she already had young Louis and lovely Lilly who is also a rescue like me. We all get on very well (although I’m convinced Louis has ADD). Lilly at almost 16 is even older than me. We go to the park every day at least once, usually a couple of times, and mum even has a pram for Lilly & me so if we get tired we can hop in. Apparently, we look ‘sooo cute’ according to EVERYBODY.
Thank you Jeane for rescuing me and finding me the best home possible. In fact, I’d have to say my life would be perfect if only mum would stop kissing me all the time – not that you can blame her, she’s only human.


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