Foster Care Expression of Interest Application

Thank you in advance for filling out this form. We are always in need of foster carers to help look after our rescue dogs. As a foster carer, you will take the assigned dog into your own home to give Best Friends staff a chance to find a permanent home.  Without our foster carers, we would have to turn away so many animals needing help.  You will be allowing us to extend our outreach to rescue these deserving canines!

dog information

personal details

Residency type: *
Are you fostering for yourself? *

your living arrangements

Do you live alone? *
Are there young children at home? *
Do you plan to have kids in the future? *
Do young children visit your home often? *
Will the dog be living at the same address? *
Are you planning to move / relocate in the coming months? *
Are you renting? *
What type of home do you live in? *
Do you have a yard or outdoor area? *
Do you have a pool, hot tub or spa area? *
Is the area securely fenced so a dog can’t enter? *

home environment

How frequently would you be able to walk the dog? *
Do you plan to exercise the dog off lead? *

your experience with animals

Do you currently have other pets? *

your fostering expectations

Would you allow a BFA Rescue representative to visit your home?
Would you be willing to allow pre-screened potential adopters to visit the foster dog at your home if a prior appointment is made with you?
Are you able to transport your foster dog to and from our veterinary clinic for assessment and medical check-ups?

Please indicate what you’re willing to provide for your foster dog. While we endeavour to support all our foster carers to the best of our ability, any assistance you can provide would be much appreciated.

Provide Food
Parasite prevention (de-worming tablets or flea prevention)
Leash, harness, and collar
Basic veterinary care

By submitting this application, you agree that ALL the information you have provided is correct. You understand that providing untruthful answers or failure to comply with the requirements of this application can result in the refusal of this application. By submitting this application, you agree to allow our representative to contact the referees/references you have provided. You understand that a property check will be required. We reserve the right to refuse any applicant.